Employee of the Quarter: Josiah Hamilton (July – September 2024)

Employee of the Quarter

SoBran is delighted to announce that Josiah Hamilton has been chosen as this past quarter’s recipient of the Employee of the Quarter Award (July – September 2024).

Josiah Hamilton | Employee of the Quarter

Josiah works as a Veterinary Technician/Enrichment Specialist in SoBran’s BioScience Division at one of our Norfolk, Virginia animal research facilities. During this past quarter, his performance has been outstanding and well representative of SoBran.

During this period, Josiah’s team expressed their appreciation of his readiness to always provide guidance and assistance when necessary, especially during times when the client or SoBran’s staff were shorthanded. On several occasions, due to the lack of client staffing, Josiah stepped up to assist the client’s Principal Investigators with medical procedures. His exceptional skills, specifically with challenging rodent blood draw procedures, were highlighted. Due to Josiah’s knowledge and professionalism, as well as his willingness to help others, Josiah is highly respected by his coworkers and our clients.

Congratulations to Josiah!

In recognition of his outstanding performance, dedication, and professionalism, Josiah will receive a plaque, $250.00 Visa card, and one paid day off.

We are so proud to have Josiah as a member of the SoBran team. We certainly hope he continues the exceptional work in the years to come.

In addition, Josiah’s selection makes him eligible to be nominated, at the end of this calendar year, for the Employee of the Year Award. This year’s award will be presented in January 2025. The recipient will receive a check for $1000.00 and a plaque recognizing their selection. Only those employees selected as Employee of the Quarter during the calendar year will be eligible.

As with past recipients of this award, Josiah’s performance should inspire us all to grow together and reach new heights towards the common goal of making SoBran a better organization. Thank you for all that you do!