SoBran Honors our Veterans

Press Releases

On this Veterans Day, SoBran salutes our Veterans, as well as Veterans everywhere for their contributions towards supporting our country and keeping us safe.

As a token of our appreciation of Veterans and their sacrifices, we will continue our quarterly care package program through which we donate a box of supplies such as, disposable razors, individually wrapped wipes, batteries, Chapstick, and sunscreen to active-duty personnel via the organization Support Our Troops.

We are honored to be able to provide our support.

As always, we thank you all for your daily contributions to SoBran, Inc. and its mission!

SupportOurTroops.Org is a 501(c)(3) public purpose charity through which Americans strengthen the morale and well-being of their current military service members and their families.

Without you we are an empty vessel. With you we are full of good works and good will for the complete military unit: the soldier, the spouse, the children.

Support Our Troops, Inc. provides millions of dollars’ worth of goods and services that range from large scale enterprise-level container shipments to bases and battalions, down to individual soldier support.

Support Our Troops®providing morale and well-being to the troops and families worldwide